About the accompanying online application


All results are subject to academic and demonstration purposes only. Absolutely no warranty for results can and will be given. They are no substitute to expert clinical judgement, only expert use for medical personal and researchers is highly advised. The authors will not be legally, financially or in any other way held responsible for decisions made including the tools on this homepage.


The homepage and app, realisation, hosting previsions and configurations as well as online adaptions and modifications to the scripts are done by
Clemens Haselmann, MD. The statistical model was created and scripted by Ass. Prof. Hubert Hackl. Both located at the Medical University of Innsbruck, Austria.


This online application is based on Python (3.6 & 3.9) and R (4) hosted on Google Cloud App Engine environments. Graphs and values are generated real time on each user input on a static data set.

Projects and Packages

These wonderful projects and expansions were used as inspiration and to bolster this application:
finance by Harvard's CS50 (Prof. David J. Malan and staff, Harvard College. Shared via CC BY-NC-SA)
Flask and rpy2
bootstrap and bootswatch
favicon by Philip Hogeboom (licensed by The Noun Project)


(2.0) Upgraded to bootstrap 5 and Flask 2, extended data handling
(2.1 in dev) Full conversion of backend to python only

Data Policy and Handling

No user data handled by the authors directly. Data processing on and by App Engine is according to Google Cloud data privacy guidelines.